Hope n Home

Home – Services

Bins R Done are the main innovators and driving force behind this great idea. Our HOPE is to change the way we tackle poverty and homelessness.


As good as it is to donate clothing and food towards families and individuals struggling through poverty. As many would agree this is just a “band-aid on broken glass” style of solution to a problem that needs much, much deeper attention.


Our Vision to create a foundation that provides a SAFE HAVEN and facilities to provide EDUCATIONMOTIVATION and access to tools used in the QUEST for ENTREPRENUERSHIP.


Our plan now is to Start Hope N Home by 2026, as this will initially depend on Bins R Dones Growth. For now we are going to donate $5 from every skip Hire towards FOODBANK creating 10 meals every Hire.

These SAFE HOMES will be used for Families and Individuals who are struggling to get their feet on the ground, a place to seek shelter, clothing, food sanitary facilities, gym equipment, motivational content, Internet, and printing access. 

There will be classrooms for basic training, Conference rooms for THINK-TANK sessions and viability assessments, whilst also hosting some of Australia’s and even the World’s greatest Motivational Speakers, Entrepreneurs and Government representatives. 

There will be confidentiality agreements in place so we can protect people’s Ideas whilst helping them get started. We will have a team of volunteers and business owners to guide and INCUBATE these new creations and future Businesses into REALITY.

These SAFE HOMES will be used for Families and Individuals who are struggling to get their feet on the ground, a place to seek shelter, clothing, food sanitary facilities, gym equipment, motivational content, Internet, and printing access. 

There will be classrooms for basic training, Conference rooms for THINK-TANK sessions and viability assessments, whilst also hosting some of Australia’s and even the World’s greatest Motivational Speakers, Entrepreneurs and Government representatives. 

There will be confidentiality agreements in place so we can protect people’s Ideas whilst helping them get started. We will have a team of volunteers and business owners to guide and INCUBATE these new creations and future Businesses into REALITY.

Our Services

Efficient Solutions for a Greener Tomorrow

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Residential Waste Collection and Recycling

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Commercial Waste Management

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Specialized Waste Disposal and Recycling Services

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Business Container Services

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Roll-off Services

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Compactor Services

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Satisfied Clients, Cleaner Planet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi faucibus cursus augue, eget posuere ligula suscipit ut. Vestibulum ac felis bibendum, fermentum erat vel, aliquam leo. Nullam id scelerisque elit. 

Our Pricing Plan

Clear Pricing, Cleaner Planet

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Basic Plan



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Standard Plan



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Premium Plan



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Business Plan



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Request a Bin or Skip

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  • General household
  • Builders waste (no bricks/concrete/dirt)
  • Clean Fill (no rubbish/plastic /timber)
  • Greenwaste (No rubbish/plastic/steel)
  • All metal/steel (No rubbish/plastic/timber)
This field is required
  • 6 CUBIC METRE $445
  • 4 CUBIC METRE $335
  • 3 CUBIC METRE $295
  • 2 CUBIC METRE $235
  • Separate the Heavy stuff $530
  • 2x 6M $850
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  • $15
  • $25
  • $50
Have a Questions?

We'd love to hear from you

Please reach out with any questions or requests.  We will do our best to accomodate you, and love helping our Tassie community.

Do Bins R Done offer a once of service?

Yes we can provide a one  off service or arrange regular services

Can the free bag of rubbish be green waste?

Yes it can

Can Bins R Done wash out my bin?

At this time we can't provide this service

Do Bins R Done bring the bins back in?

Yes, we have cost-effective, flexible plans

Take the First Step Towards Sustainability

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